

Instruction : The goal of this project was to take a scene from a film of our choice, and turn it into a narrative game with branching dialogues. We had two days to complete this project and we had to use the Twine software.

When :

March 2022

Duration :

3 days

Project size :

Personal project


Selected movie

Nausicaä of the valley of the wind

Réalisateur & scénariste : Hayao Miyazaki

Producer : Toshio Suzuki

Studio : Studio Topcraft

Duration : 166 minutes

Release : 11th of march 1984

Genre : Science fantasy, post-apocalyptic

Themes : Pacifism and ecology


A thousand years have passed since the fall of industrial civilisation during the "seven days of fire", a planetary war of immeasurable violence. Humanity survives as best it can in a few enclaves threatened by the fukai, a gigantic forest that is constantly gaining ground and whose spores are deadly to most living beings. This thick jungle is protected by giant insects that have adapted to this environment. The "ômus" are the main representatives of these insects, due to their size and sensitivity.

The Valley of the Wind is a small agricultural kingdom, protected from spores and fukai by sea winds. Its tranquillity is disrupted by the sinking of a huge ship of the Tolmec Empire, which has been targeted by insects since an unfortunate stop in the poisonous forest. In order to retrieve the ship's cargo, Tolmec troops invade the valley; they murder the old king Jill and take his daughter Nausicaä prisoner.

It turns out that this cargo, so precious to the Tolmecs, is a giant warrior descended from the colossi who destroyed the world during the "seven days of fire". The Tolmecs want to use it to burn down the poisonous forest, to the detriment of the neighbouring peoples they are at war with. This fire could provoke the wrath of thousands of ômus and their tidal wave would be devastating as it had been in the past when they had caused the annihilation of entire nations.

Nausicaä, managing to escape, discovers that the fukai does not poison the environment, but that it purifies it by draining the polluted air and soil. Guided by her love for all living beings and accompanied by her pet Teto, she will try by all means to silence the war, save humanity and restore a balance between Man and nature.

Selected scene

The chosen scene is the one that introduces the universe to the spectator. Master Yupa comes back from a long trip around the world and the king welcomes him in his room, the latter being ill.

Yupa will explain what he has seen so that the spectator understands the environment of the valley and why it is protected.

Finally, the cosmogony will be lightly touched upon with the underlying mission that Yupa has, which is to find a chosen one, who is supposed to restore balance to their world.



The princess

Name : Nausicaä

Genre : Women

Goal : Peace between human & Fukaï

Social State : Valley princess

Fear : that humans fall back into madness

Speech pattern : young and impetuous, she is well educated but may not weigh her words.

"Saved the planet at the cost of how many human lives? You can't do that, give up the plan, please! ''

Master Yupa

The traveller

Name : Yupa (master)

Genre : Men

Goal: Discover truth on the toxic forest

Social State : former tutor of the princess and traveller

Fear : that the Fukai or a war reaches the valley

Speech pattern : always good advice, he is experience and wisdom incarnate. He measures his words to capture the person in front.

"Ah, what a beautiful valley, its calm, its serenity soothes the heart. ''


The wise

Name : Oh-baba

Genre : Women

Social state : King's carer

Speech pattern : old but teasing and courageous, she has great wisdom, which quickly inspires respect.

“ Oh yes! And how do you intend to shut me up? By killing me too? What are you waiting for? It's so much easier to kill a blind old woman like me than to murder our poor King Jill! ’’


The king

Name : Jill

Genre : Men

Goal : The peace in the valley

Social state : Valley's king

Fear : that the Fukai reaches the valley

Speech pattern : A king who is loved and close to his people, who knows how to talk to them and protect them.

Oh-baba, we don't have much time, you have to hide! ’’

Scene details


Nausicaä has saved Yupa and everyone is reunited.


Jill asks how Yupa's journey went.

He brings back a sad report of the world around the valley, protected by the wind, not suffering the forest.


Jill then proposes to Yupa to stay in the valley. Oh-baba declines instead, as he has a mission: to find the chosen one on the tapestry. But for many

But for many, including Yupa, it is likely to be just a legend.


Yupa says he is looking for the mysteries of the fukai and the enigma of the poisonous forest.


Nausicaä in her room says she wants to help Yupa, whom she loves and respects very much.


Fin alternatives

  • Nausicaä stays in the valley

  • Nausicaä leaves with Yupa with the agreement of the king

  • Nausicaä leaves with Yupa without the king's agreement

Gameplay interactifs

The player is Nausicaä. He can browse the tapestry hanging on the wall next to the king's bed.

Depending on where the player clicks, this will lead to a discussion with the other characters about a topic in the world. When all the topics are covered, a final dialogue takes place. It will be oriented according to how the player has dealt with the previous topics, and it will decide the future of Nausicaä.

Structure & Result

I used a branching structure to organise my Twine. You can see the branching sorted/ranged by topic of discussion.

A vous de jouez !